I was very excited about the class.My instructor asked us to prepare cake n butter cream icing.Im all set to the class.
In class she instruct abt the basic designs and made us to practice for one hr and the next hour we did decorate on the cake.
Here is my 1st cake with butter cream icing!!

Thanks Padma for the lovely award...thank u so much!!

Now for the rules:
1) Add the logo of the award to your blog.
2) Add a link to the person who awarded it to you.
3) Nominate at least 7 other blogs (Only if you like).
4) Add links to those blogs on your blog.
5) Leave a message for your nominees on their blog
I would like to pass this award to
Please accept my dear friends..
Congrats dear... it has come out so good for the first try itself.... good decoration for a fresher.... so waiting for more cake recipes/cake decoration :). All the very best..
Wow first class you have made it like a pro... This is my first visit here, have blogrolled you shall come down for more!!!
Hi Ramya Thanks...
Hi padma thank u so much!! hope i will come up with more good ones!!
Very beautiful and really cute decor with lovely colors :P Can I get a chunk of it pls?
Hi ann thank u so much.. ya sure u can.. but u have to come here!!
Mmm looks so beautiful. Send me a parcel of it know dharani?! Yummy! All the best for the classes dear!:)
in fst class u made such a beautiful cake...superb one..
Hi Lena thnk u so much!
Dharani... I have soemthing for you in my blog :)
First time here...Even i love to bake and recently i have posted in my blog abt my 1st icing...Plz chk it when u get time..
Lovely output for the first attempt.....Nice..
Thanks a lot Dharani for sharing this award with me ... really feels nice :)
Congrats for the Award Dharani.
Oh! that's really sweet of you to share this award with me. Thank you.
Thanks for shring the award with me dear!!!
Thanks for the award Dharani and a lovely cake too.Please do share with us the interesting lessons on cake icing,I too love them
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